Silvercloud - Online CBT
What is it?
SilverCloud is a supported online program based on CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) programmes that are flexible, effective, and easy to use. Programmes include:
- Space from Anxiety
- Space from Depression
- Space from Depression and Anxiety
- Space for Positive Body Image
- Space for Resilience
- Space from Phobia
- Space from Panic
- Space from Stress
How it works?
The client will be allocated to a supporter who is a qualified PWP. The PWP will be answering your comments and reviewing completed tasks at a pace of your choosing, weekly or bi-weekly for six sessions.
Once the client has completed treatment on SilverCloud, they will be able to access SilverCloud unsupported for one year. Clients will be able to use the helpful tools and program material within this period.
How do I access it?
You can access SilverCloud from any computer, tablet or smartphone with internet access.
You still have questions? For more information on SilverCloud email us now.